How to Calibrate the Laser on Your NEXTORCH WL21, WL22, WL23, and WL30 Pistol Weapon Lights

How to Calibrate the Laser on Your NEXTORCH WL21, WL22, WL23, and WL30 Pistol Weapon Lights


Accurate laser targeting is essential when using a pistol-mounted weapon light. Properly calibrating the laser ensures precision and can be the deciding factor between hitting or missing your target. This guide will walk you through the process of calibrating the laser on your NEXTORCH WL21, WL22, WL23, and WL30 weapon lights, ensuring that it aligns perfectly with your iron sights for optimal performance.

Tools Needed:

  • Provided Allen wrench (or a 2mm Allen wrench if the original is unavailable)

Steps to Calibrate Your Laser

1. Secure Your Pistol

Before beginning, make sure your pistol is unloaded and pointed in a safe direction. Place the pistol on a stable surface, such as a shooting rest, to keep it steady during the calibration process.

2. Identify the Adjustment Screws

On your weapon light, locate the two screws responsible for laser alignment. One screw adjusts the laser vertically (up and down), while the other adjusts it horizontally (left and right).

3. Set Up Your Target

Position a target at your typical shooting distance. This can range from 7 to 25 yards, depending on your preferred engagement range.

4. Initial Alignment

  • Using your iron sights, aim at the center of your target.
  • Turn on the laser and observe where the laser dot appears in relation to your point of aim.

5. Adjust the Laser

  • Use the Allen wrench to make minor adjustments to the screws.
  • Vertical Adjustment: Turn the screw on the side of the light to raise or lower the laser dot.
  • Horizontal Adjustment: Use the screw on the bottom to shift the laser dot left or right.
  • Make small adjustments, checking alignment after each adjustment to avoid overcorrection.

6. Fine-Tune the Calibration

After initial adjustments, fire a few rounds and assess the point of impact. Continue making fine adjustments to the laser until it aligns precisely with the bullet impact relative to your iron sights.

Calibration Frequency

As a rule of thumb, it’s recommended to check the laser's calibration every 3,000 rounds. Regular handling and use can cause slight misalignments, so periodic recalibration is essential to ensure your laser remains accurate over time.

Additional Tips for Optimal Calibration

1. Consider Environmental Conditions

Lighting can affect the visibility of your laser dot. Bright sunlight may make the dot harder to see, while low-light conditions can improve visibility, allowing for more precise calibration.

2. Check Battery Health

Ensure that the battery powering your laser is fully charged or fresh. A low battery can reduce the laser's brightness, making calibration difficult and potentially leading to inaccurate adjustments.

3. Use Consistent Ammunition

Stick to the same type of ammunition during the calibration process. Variations in ammo can result in differing points of impact, making it harder to achieve accurate laser alignment.

4. Utilize a Shooting Rest

Using a shooting or bench rest can improve stability, providing a solid foundation for more accurate laser adjustments.